Why Scripture is important
Spirit, soul and body
When Jesus was starving, Satan suggested He convert some rocks to bread but Jesus responded: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.” We eat food to sustain our bodies, and we need to meditate on the Scriptures to sustain our spirits. Therefore, all victorious Christians spend time each day with the Scriptures and in prayer.
To help people establish this routine, Arthur Gilmour started reading through the Scriptures with a daily program (6 am) on 103.5 FM Orange in 1995. Recordings of his sixth (?) cycle are available here. Each recording lasts 10 minutes. The Old Testament is best heard chronologically as it is the story leading to the coming of Jesus. On weekdays, he read a passage from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. On Saturday he read from Proverbs and on Sunday from Psalms. We have provided a reading plan for regular listeners but you can also listen to any particular passage of interest to you.
These Recordings are also available to watch on Youtube or there are Daily Devotionals available here.
Daily meditation on the Scriptures helps us to think as God thinks: “Have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus”. Just as regular food with exercise keeps our body strong, so a regular ‘quiet time’ keeps our spirit pure and strong.
When our children were young, we read the Scriptures together as a family over breakfast. That is the style for these readings; read the passage and review its highlights.