A church to call home?
We use the word assembly to highlight the fact that our church is not a building, or a denomination, or an organization, but a group of people meeting together to know God, to remember Jesus, to pray in His Name, to encourage one another to live right, to bear one another’s burdens.
We are a small group of conservative believers in the Lord Jesus that has been meeting in Orange for 70 years, seeking to live as Jesus teaches us in the Bible.
We accept that the Bible teaches:
- God created the heavens and the earth as a dwelling for men about 6000 years ago; the present universe is subject to growing old and He will ultimately create a new heavens and earth
- God desires friendship with all men, but we are inclined to do our own thing
- That the global distribution of fossils and sedimentary rocks confirm the historicity of the global flood in which only Noah and his family were saved; therefore all people now on earth are descendants of Noah.
- God promised Abraham He would bless the world through his descendants: firstly through Israel, now through Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, and soon Jesus will return to establish His kingdom on earth for 1000 years; but not before one more global rebellion against Him during which Israel will acknowledge Jesus is first of all their Messiah.
- Jesus is the eternal Word of God, who came from heaven to live as a man showing us God’s character (grace, mercy, patience, goodness, truth, forgiveness and retribution (Exodus 34:6)) and Himself paying for our sin and rebellion (Hebrews 1:3); allowing all who believe to be reconciled to God (John5:24).
- Those who are reconciled/saved will seek to live lives worthy of God
We invite you to make contact and come along to foster your relationship with the living God.
Christian Community Churches of Australia?
This is the legal name used in Australia for assemblies like ours. But, since there is no central organization, To find out more visit https://cccaust.org.
We recognise the Holy Scriptures as the only authority for doctrine and practise (II Timothy 3:16). We recognise as fellow believers, those who freely confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9), and live lives consistent with that confession (II Timothy 2:19).
We have a formal ‘working with children’ policy as required by the commission for young people. This involves careful screening of volunteers who work with children, and procedures for dealing with complaints against members of the assembly, and against those who are not members. Complaints should be referred to one of the elders.
We practise believers baptism as a confessional sign that the person being baptised has repented and believed the gospel that Jesus Christ died in their place. (Acts 16:31-34)We gather at the Lords request each Lord’s Day (Sunday) to break bread and drink of the fruit of the vine in remembrance of the Lord Jesus, His life, death, resurrection and present glory until He returns. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).We seek by all means to advance the knowledge of God and the gospel for the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth. (II Timothy 1:4-6).
We are an unincorporated association of believers. Leadership is vested in ‘the elders’, a small group of men qualified according to the 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and recognised by the assembly as such. We have no formal membership procedure but recognise as members those who are in regular attendance and confess Christ by word and action, being in general agreement with doctrines clearly taught in Scripture.