Child Safe Policy

Orange Christian Assembly


As a church, we honor God’s name by providing a Child Safe Child-Friendly environment. We want children and young people (Under 18 years olds) who participate in our programs to have a safe and happy experience. We honor God by supporting and respecting our children, young people, staff, volunteers, and students.

 Title                     This policy is called the Orange Christian Assembly Child Safe Child-Friendly Policy.

 Introduction      This policy guides staff, volunteers, and students on how to behave with children in their supervision. This policy focuses on how we can promote kid’s participation in our church and make it safe for them.

Support kids’ participation
Orange Christian Assembly supports the active participation of kids in our church. We respect and value children and will provide a safe environment where they can learn and develop.

Support Staff, Volunteers, and students
1.    We promote respect, fairness, and consideration for all staff, volunteers, and students.
2.    We have appointed a Child Safety Officer who will provide support and advice to our workers.
3.    All new staff, volunteers, and students will receive a copy of the Child Safe Child Friendly
       Policy including our Code of Conduct and our How to Deal with the Complaints process.
4.    All staff, volunteers, and students will be trained yearly in our child protection procedures.
5.    Our Child Safety Officer is Mrs. Pam Boney See Codes of Conduct


1.    Orange Christian Assembly will appoint staff and volunteers to children-related positions if staff and volunteers meet our recruitment and screening requirements.
2.    These requirements are
        a. The person must have appropriate skills to meet the Job description.
        b. The person must be cleared by the WWCC.
        c. The person must have 3 written character/integrity references confirming their suitability to work with children. These references are to be followed up by a verbal
             inquiry by the recruiting officer.
       d. The person will be interviewed by the recruiting team/officer for suitability for the position. See Recruitment forms.

Child Safe Programs – Risk Management

Dealing with Complaints

1.     What we Believe
               a.   Everyone in our Church should be confident that complaints will be dealt with honestly and fairly.
               b.   Everyone in our Church should be confident in reporting inappropriate behavior around kids.
               c.   Everyone in our Church should report any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or young person immediately.
2.    All complaints should be reported. This includes
               a.  Disclosure of abuse
               b.  Inappropriate behavior around children
               c.  Suspicion of abuse or harm to a child.
3.    All complaints must be reported to the Child Safety Officer
               Name Mrs. Pam Boney (Contact Number: 0455 335 173) or a Church elder.
        A child or young person or any staff member, volunteer, or student can make a complaint,
               or raise a concern, directly to the Child Safety Officer.
4.    The Child Safety Officer will take the following actions:
               a.    Listen to the person making the complaint and make a record of the complaint using the “Complaint Record Form”.
               b.    Assess the complaint and if required report the complaint to Community Services or other appropriate authorities if warranted. (i.e. Police).  They will inform everyone involved in the complaint of the requirement to make this report.
               c.    If the complaint involves inappropriate behavior and a breach of the Code of
                      Conduct, the Church Leaders will need to take action in accordance with internal
                      discipline procedures.
5.    The Church must provide details to the Office of the Children’s Guardian (WWCC people)
               of any staff, volunteer or student who has been the subject of completed employment
                proceedings involving;
               a.    Reportable conduct; or
               b.    Acts of violence committed by them in the presence of a child.
               Reportable conduct is:
                      i.   Any sexual offense or sexual misconduct, committed against, with or
                           in the presence of a child (including a child pornography offense); or
                     ii.   Any assault, ill-treatment, or neglect of a child; or
                    iii.   Any behavior that causes psychological harm to a child;
                              whether or not, in any case, with the consent of the child.

You do not need to report conduct that is reasonable for the discipline, management, and care of children, or if it was found the conduct did not occur. If you require help in determining what action is required or would like additional help, please contact the CCCAust(NSW) Child Protection Liaison Officer Jim Kelly or 0417 730 299


               1.    The Church will remind the children’s workers of its Child Safe Child Friendly
                      policies and procedures on a yearly basis.
               2.    All new children workers, volunteers, and students will be taken through the
                      church’s Child Safe Child-Friendly policies, complete the Working with Children
                      requirements  and complete the first two modules of the
             course before they commence work.
               3.    Kids and parents joining our programs will receive a copy of the
                              “Parent’s and kids Guide to Child Protection at Orange Christian Assembly.”

               4.   This policy document will be made available on our website.


               This policy and guidelines will be reviewed and updated as necessary every year.

Reviewed September 2023